Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Yeats on Seeking God

To seek God to soon it is not less sinful than to seek God  too
 late; we must love, man, woman  or child, we must exhaust
ambition, intellect, desire, dedicating all things as they pass,
or we come to god with empty hands.


Photo by Sandra Saldanha

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Moral Disorder by Margaret Atwood

" (...) A charred shadow crouches inside.
 In pictures like these there are always empty shoes.
It's the shoes that get to me.
 Sad, that innocent daily task 
- putting your shoes on your feet, 
in the firm belief that you'll be going somewhere. (...)"

Extract from Moral Disorder ( The Bad News)
 by Margaret Atwood
Photo by Sandra Saldanha